Monday, September 29, 2008

P.O.V. presents Critical Condition

"What brings me to the subject [of health care] again and again is that the problems keep getting worse. When I first reported on this problem in the 1980s, there were some twenty million Americans without health insurance. Now, there are 47 million Americans without health insurance." - Roger Weisberg

Critical Condition by filmmaker Roger Weisberg (Waging a Living) paints a disturbing and gripping portrait of what happens when you’re sick and uninsured in America. The unforgettable subjects of this cinema verite documentary discover that being uncovered can cost them their jobs, health, homes, savings, and even their lives.

See a trailer and behind-the-scenes features here.

This film airs Tuesday, September 3o at 9 p.m. on WGVU TV & WGVU HD. Stay tuned following the program for Rx for Change, outlining the presidential candidates' stands on health care reform and featuring a discussion with two non-partisan experts who will evaluate the plans.

"I wanted to put a human face on the problem of not having access to health care if you're uninsured, but I was also careful not to presume to prescribe a cure or a political solution. I felt that that wasn't the mission of a cinema verité film." - Roger Weisberg

Read the rest of his interview here.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Vote '08: A Presidential Forum

Special Broadcast: Thursday, September 11 at 8 p.m. on WGVU TV & WGVU HD

This special presents live coverage of the first joint appearance of Senators John McCain and Barack Obama since accepting their respective parties' nominations.

Held at Columbia University in New York City, the Service Nation Presidential Candidates Forum gives each candidate an opportunity to discuss, in-depth, their personal experience with service and their views on national service and civic engagement in the post-September 11, post-Katrina world.

The audience, welcomed by New York Governor David Paterson, will be comprised of family members of 9/11 victims, military veterans, opinion leaders and Columbia University students.

Moderators Judy Woodruff, senior correspondent and political editor fromThe NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, and TIME's managing editor Rick Stengel, will question the presidential candidates separately in back-to-back interviews lasting roughly 45 minutes each. The candidates are expected to call for the designation of September 11 as a national day of service. The candidates also will address additional questions submitted via the forum organizer's Web site,

Service Nation is a coalition of 110 organizations dedicated to strengthening American democracy and solving problems through civic engagement and service. The presidential candidates forum will kickoff the bipartisan, Sept. 11-12 Service Nation Summit and Service Nation's national campaign to expand voluntary community and national service opportunities for all Americans.

This special will repeat on Sunday, September 14 at 6 a.m. on WGVU TV & WGVU HD.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Morning Edition and All Things Considered Team Up for Collaboration on Race

On Thursday, September 11, All Things Considered host Michele Norris and Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep talk with a cross-section of residents of York, Pennsylvania, about race - both in politics and in their everyday lives. Located in rural Central Pennsylvania, York is typical of many places in the U.S. It's a mix of urban, suburban and agricultural; blue and white collar; racially and economically diverse. York gave the world York Peppermint Patties and still makes Harley-Davidson motorcycles. And while the town has a history of racial struggles, residents say things are improving.

Catch the story on both shows on Thursday, September 11 on WGVU AM & FM. Morning Edition airs 5 - 9 a.m. and All Things Considered airs 4 - 6:30 p.m.